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LGBTQIA+ Pride Collection

A collection of two thousand fiction and nonfiction works donated to Wagner College by the Pride Center of Staten Island.
Memorial plaque for the homosexual prisioners in Buchenwald concentration camp including symbol of pink triangle.

The Pink Triangle & The Holocaust

Over the course of Hitler's Nazi Regime about 5,000-10,000 homosexuals were killed in concentration camps and an estimated 100,000 were arrested. The basis for sending thousands of innocent people to concentration camps was Article 175 which stated, “An unnatural sex act committed between persons of male sex -- is punishable by imprisonment; the loss of civil rights might also be imposed.” This would later be extended in a way that made the definition of an unnatural sex act vague and up to interpretation by the SS and Gestapo. Similarly to how the Nazis forced Jewish individuals to wear yellow stars, anyone deemed by the regime to be a homosexual was forced to wear inverted pink triangles (or die Rosa-Winkel).

Selected Sources within the Pride Collection [Main Level]